Q&A with Lisa Ward

Q&As from Lisa Ward, The Ness Outreach Manager.

How did you get involved in Dementia Care?

Around a 10 years ago (a whole decade), I began my career in dementia care. My first job was at a residential home that catered to individuals suffering from this disease. Initially, I was unsure why I was drawn to dementia care. However, over time, it became evident that I was passionate about learning more about the disease and supporting those affected by it. My goal was to educate individuals about dementia and ensure that those living with it are able to lead fulfilling lives.

What do you love most about working for The Ness?

We’re not your average team at The Ness – we’re more like a big, quirky family! We take pride in our cozy culture where everyone is treated like a VIP and we put people before tasks. Our approach may be a little different, but we’re pretty sure it’s the secret sauce to our success. Supporting individuals and learning about their stories is a gratifying experience for me, and I’m sure it’s the same for the rest of the team.

Tell me a memory that makes you smile whilst you have been working here…

Thinking of one is challenging but there’s this moment that never fails to brighten my day. I remember helping a lady achieve something she thought was out of reach. Seeing her face light up with happiness as she nailed it was simply unforgettable. It’s moments like these that make life worthwhile!

What does a typical work day look like for you?

I’m a jack-of-all-trades! I can either be in the office, nailing down schedules and paperwork, or I can be in the field, supporting folks to live their best lives.

What is your personal motto or mantra?

My approach is empathetic, patient, and caring. I strive to nourish the spirit and validate emotions, meeting people where they are.

How would your family describe you in 3 words?

Outspoken, caring, thoughtful

You can read more of our Q&A’s over on our blog here or head over to Facebook for the latest updates and news from our centres.