Memory & Wellness Hubs
The Ness Hubs provide therapy, information & advice
At our Memory and Wellness Hubs, we specialise in supporting individuals with memory-related concerns, such as dementia and brain changes.
We are a nurse-led, local dementia care service in Devon, with clinical specialists working closely with both our facilitators and families. The Ness are committed to providing safe, stimulating dementia day care centre hubs and activity centres that are truly person-centred and work to improve quality of life.
The Ness Hubs run clinical dementia day care centres everyday with centres in Teignmouth, Chudleigh and Exmouth, offering a combination of dementia respite care and active therapy.
“I had so little understanding about dementia and I was worried to leave my husband but he really took to the staff at The Ness and came home more engaged and less confused. This time has given me some precious respite.”

Why The Ness Hubs
The approach we take can slow the impact of the illness and is designed to maintain an individual’s cognitive function, while providing an engaging, social experience.
Our specialist facilitators, who run each session, have years of experience and work compassionately with both families and professionals.
Each day we run specialist dementia day care centres which include therapies and activities, designed to be fun and stimulating. Some are to encourage social interaction, some are for simple enjoyment, and others such as cognitive stimulation, talking therapy or reminiscence therapy are to help manage the symptoms associated with dementia.
Read about how we measure the impact of our treatment using a NHS validated tool.
Combination of treatment & information
Specialist days – Can be booked as full or half days, as many times a week as necessary. Transport support offered.
Courses – We provide teaching and training for professionals & families to learn about dementia, to become experts at supporting families and individuals, and to learn about CST.
Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) – These are targeted 2.5 hour sessions for those with mild to moderate memory loss, designed to maintain your memory and slow cognitive deterioration.
Support & information for families – We provide courses for families, offering practical tips on coping with some of the symptoms and helping to build resilience. We also offer advice on care homes and other specialist dementia services.

Our locations
Ness Hub Chudleigh
- Orchard House, Market Way, Chudleigh, Newton Abbot, TQ13 0HL
- 01626 774799
Ness Hub Teignmouth
- Beechcroft, Salisbury Terrace, Teignmouth, TQ14 8JA.
- 01626 774799
The Ness Group maintain our prices very competitively and each of our services have a specific cost. However, we work closely with health & social care and have a contract across Devon that means many can get partial or total funding support from social care. We will help you with accessing social care assessments and also applying for attendance allowance. Please call or email to get the full pricing list.