Why is early diagnosis of Dementia important?

Early diagnosis of dementia is essential! Most are unaware that dementia is treatable, by ‘treatable’ I do not mean curable but we can with expert help maintain an individual’s brain […]
Jonathan’s Dementia Conference speech: Non-pharmacological Interventions

Re-defining the Dementia Pathway Written by Jonathan Hanbury, Clinical Director & CEO of The Ness Care Group, for the UK Dementia & Palliative Care Conference. I feel I should very […]
Press Release

Rowcroft and The Ness Care Group unveil groundbreaking Dementia and Palliative Care Conference in the South West Rowcroft Hospice is thrilled to unveil its plans to host a Dementia and […]
The Future for Dementia in an Ageing Society

Last month our Chief Medical Officer published the annual report in to Health in an Ageing Society. The report is a stark reminder that the UK is an ageing society […]
Activities you can do at home in between your dementia home care and dementia day care visits

If an individual with dementia already has some kind of extra support, such as day care or dementia home care, it’s important that this level of stimulation isn’t stopped when […]
What you can expect from our dementia home care service

Dementia home care is a popular alternative to day centres or nursing/care homes. For many elderly people, this will be the first introduction to a care service and is best […]
The importance of early intervention when looking for dementia respite care near me

Although there is, unfortunately, no cure yet for dementia, there are many studies around how you can slow down the deterioration caused by the disease. At our dementia respite care […]