The importance of early intervention when looking for dementia respite care near me

Although there is, unfortunately, no cure yet for dementia, there are many studies around how you can slow down the deterioration caused by the disease. At our dementia respite care centres, our aim is to work with the individual to provide the best possible plan for them to slow down the negative effects. This is a much easier process if respite and therapy are provided in the early stages.

Read on to find out the importance of early intervention when caring for individuals with dementia.

How can I spot the signs of dementia?

Many people believe that dementia is just linked with memory loss, however, it’s much more than this and can also have an effect on individuals’;

  • Mental health
  • Speech
  • Thoughts and behaviors
  • Confidence

Aging is inevitable, and sometimes with this comes memory loss, but not everyone who suffers from memory loss is diagnosed with dementia. Here are some other common early signs of the disease:

  • A sudden change in mood
  • Confusion or lack of focus
  • Lack of orientation and direction
  • Change in language, including repeating themselves

If you spot any of these in your loved one, it’s important to visit your GP as soon as possible, as they may be able to diagnose the disease early.

Benefits of early intervention

Many people are so scared of the disease that they won’t get a diagnosis, but in fact, dementia doesn’t mean they’ll lose all their independence or self-worth. Getting the right support early will help both the individual and those around them deal with it in the best possible way and allow them to get the help required to slow it down.

Our dementia respite care centre provides the following benefits:

  • Improved confidence and social interaction
  • Increased physical movement
  • Improved well-being

Dementia research around early intervention…

Research is constantly being completed around early intervention and the effect it has on dementia. The Alzheimer’s Society UK has released some of the following interesting statistics;

There has been a 56% rise in the number of people diagnosed with dementia from 2010/11 to 2015/16. – This means more people are getting an earlier diagnosis and seeking help and support sooner. Read more about the number of people diagnosed here.

85% of people want to stay at home as long as possible after a diagnosis of dementia, 47% think they would be able to – With the support of our dementia day centres and our dementia home care scheme, this is made possible for many.

36% of carers spend more than 100 hours per week caring for a person with dementia. – We can lighten the load from carers by providing flexible care during the weekdays. Some only require care at our centres 1 or 2 times a week, whilst others prefer to visit more often.

How we create a bespoke plan for each individual

No two individuals will live with dementia in the same way, and that’s why a ‘one size fits all’ approach doesn’t work for our members. Instead, we establish their needs early on to work out the best plan to support them.

For some members, social communication may be lacking so we will put them in a safe and comforting environment to help them improve on this.

At The Ness Dementia Centre, each room has been designed with someone living with dementia in mind, the colours and shapes we use within the decor can have a huge impact and all of this has been taken into consideration.

Looking for dementia respite care near me?

With our centre based in Teignmouth, South Devon, we are suited for individuals looking for dementia care within a 10 – 20 mile radius, we also offer a pickup service from some locations to take the pressure off the main carer.

If your loved one is looking for dementia care now, regardless of what stage they are in, we offer a free trial for both our main centre and The Ness Shed, which offers short classes throughout the week. Alternatively, take a look at our memory cafes and dementia home care services.

Get in touch with our team to book a free trial by calling us on 01626 774 799 or emailing us on [email protected].