At Atlas Care, it’s hugely important to us that all our members and their families feel safe following the latest news surrounding the coronavirus. Due to the majority of our members being in the high-risk category for the virus, we are taking extra precautions both within our Devon dementia care centre and whilst out and about during our dementia home care visits.
What is Atlas Care doing differently during this time?
Firstly, we are closely following the Government guidelines in regards to community services, you can read more about these here. We speak daily with Social Care and have been encouraged to keep all services running. We are also ensuring that there is clear communication between our staff around the risks, ensuring that they take care outside of work to avoid potential contamination and to report any symptoms in advance.
Hand sanitizers and increased frequency of hand cleaning have also been implemented and guidelines are being followed closely. We have stocked up on hand sanitizer dispensers and have ensured these are placed around the centre and in the minibus for both staff and members to use.
All our staff are on a health register and have their temperature taken daily and review of general health to assure all they are healthy.
Much like our staff, in addition to the above precautions, if any of our members have any cold symptoms they should remain at home and we can arrange for dementia home care instead.
Don’t over isolate
It’s crucial to us that our members, whether they use our dementia home care service or our dementia day care service, are still getting the support they require. Over-isolating, when it’s not necessary, can lead to decline in cognitive function, loneliness and anxiety over the fear of leaving their home.
If the individual feels it suitable to stay at home, it’s important that they still receive the same level of social stimulation as they would get during a day at the Ness Dementia Centre.
Our home enablers are well equipped to support each and every individual if this becomes the case. If you are concerned, please call our team on 01626 774 799.
If relatives of our members are feeling fine with no symptoms of a cold or flu, this interaction can be vital to ensure the elderly still receive the care they need and will also act as a moral support service during this time.
Relatives can also support the elderly with the following activities:
- Picking up essentials and delivering them to their home
- Being on the other side of a phone call just for a friendly chat or some reassurance
Speak to Atlas about dementia home care and dementia day care
For the time being, we are still running ‘business as usual’ across all our services, so will be operating as normal just with these extra precautions in place.
We will be keeping a close eye on any new guidance that comes in and updating our members and their families immediately if this changes.
If you would like to speak to someone regarding our services, please contact us here, or learn more about each of our services by clicking the links below: